
A Map to Navigate Life


Use What Works For You


Beautiful. Here is Another Option


Tune Yourself. Play Well with Others


Your Body is Your Home


Fill Your Cup


Travel Light. Travel Well.


There is Nothing to Achieve


Find the Ease in the Effort


A Map to Navigate Life 〰️ Use What Works For You 〰️ Beautiful. Here is Another Option 〰️ Tune Yourself. Play Well with Others 〰️ Your Body is Your Home 〰️ Fill Your Cup 〰️ Travel Light. Travel Well. 〰️ There is Nothing to Achieve 〰️ Find the Ease in the Effort 〰️

Online Yoga Studio

Travel Light & Travel Well.

Live Classes Via Zoom, Yoga Challenges to Move with the Seasons, a Library of Videos for On-Demand Joy.

In Person Yoga

Practice Joy. Build Community. In person yoga classes & private events. Travel light & travel well. Navigate life’s ups through movement & breath work.

Yoga Retreats

Build company culture or celebrate the milestones. Attend a yoga retreat or curate your own. Let's practice yoga and find adventure.

Online classes are on a brief pause as Taryn trains for her Solo Atlantic Row.

Coming Soon:

June 20: 7 Day Summer Solstice Yoga Challenge.

July 1: Library Update, new videos to practice yoga whenever/wherever.

Travel. Practice yoga. Eat good food. Play outside. Make new friends.


Travel light & travel well.

Yoga is a light house and a map. It is a way to find home while navigating the twists and turns of life. The yoga classes you will find at “Taryn Smith Movement” are practices designed to cultivate lightness, spaciousness, and resilience. Practical & accessible, these offerings draw from many traditions knowing when we are well rounded, we can bounce back.

“Yoga is a buffet. Take what you want and leave what you don’t.”

You will hear me say this in most classes. Everything is a suggestion. Like a family style meal, you can serve yourself and decide what to take and how much.

I don’t like being told what to do. I’m sure you don’t either. Veering away from dogmatic lineages, I instead like to blend methodologies, techniques, and philosophies to create a vibrant practice.
